Article in English: Performing Differently: Convention, Medium, and Globality from Manga (Studies) to Anime (Studies). In Comicology: Probing Practical Scholarship. Kyoto International Manga Museum: Kyoto Seika University International Manga Research Center, 2015.
While anime studies has flourished in the past few years, in many respects manga studies is much more developed, with a longer history and more debates within the field. Because anime and manga are intimately intertwined media, one might ask what models anime studies could borrow to expand the field. But, as there are significant differences between the two media, there will be points where the theoretical models overlap or deviate, specifically in regards to their inter-related yet media-specific aesthetics. This paper focuses on some of these points, specifically the apparent unity of manga and anime’s conventionalized aesthetics, the material distinctions in the respective media, and the variant degrees of globality.